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Do not resist change; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.
— Lao Tzu
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a gentle flow | the art of release

For five hundred years, Western thought has focused on thought as the unifying element melding mind and body. 

Qi-gong, for a thousand years the gentle art of releasing unproductive energy from our bodies, our minds and our spirits, holds that we are all one, at one with ourselves. 

We are all we need. 

This is my guiding inspiration: release the flow of freedom within us and we begin to master ourselves.

There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.
— G.K. Chesterton
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Karen Hartwick

Certified Medical Qigong Teacher and Medical Qigong Practitioner

My ‘Sifu’—my master teacher—is one of the world’s most respected and revered qi-gong healers, a contemporary guide in the ‘dragon-gate’ lineage. qigongtherapy.com

My study with Sifu Sat Chuen Hon is ongoing, integrating the decades of experience in the world of tea and herbs, the Asian philosophies of self-integration and self-care and the alternative healing arts.

I will be calm. I will be mistress of myself.
— Jane Austen

expertise | the intuitive mediator

My small role in the unfolding of the dragon-gate heritage of qi-gong is to make a positive difference in the lives of those who open themselves to the practice of personal evolution. 

I begin by making no distinction between head and heart: I seek to make a positive difference in the lives of my students by helping them access the deep knowing in themselves, to bring that knowing into their time and their space—all the while respecting each person’s different physical needs during their time in this world.


Reserve Your Space

Welcome. If you think you’d benefit from qigong or if you have questions regarding qigong and would like to know more, you can reach Karen directly here 

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